Project UNK – Artificial Intelligence Final Project (COMP6065)

Course Name

  • Artificial Intelligence (COMP6065)


  • Albert Darmawan (1801433554)
  • Ieuan Ignatius (1801443435)
  • Aaron Mihardja (1801436373)

Project Summary

Project UNK is a CLI-based chatbot that used the advanced technology of Recurrent Neural Network to interact with user. Project UNK can learn from the available dataset, and it gets smarter as the dataset increases or the amount of learning time increases. This project is inspired by Siraj Raval explanation on “How to Make an Amazing Tensorflow Chatbot Easily” at Youtube. His github repository for this project are located here :


Left Pane: Learning process
Right Pane : Chatting test results

Video Demo

Click here to watch the video

You can edit this ad by going editing the index.php file or opening /images/exampleAd.gif

Island Simulator Progress – Computer Graphics [Update Final]

9 May 2016

This is the first progress update of our final project and we are currently in progress on the modelling of multiple 3D models, 7 to be exact. These models include a few islands, the ocean water, the trees and the train in addition to it’s cargo.

Some of these models currently do not have colour because of the our lack of understanding on the colouring mechanisms in blender.

The current train model may be revised as we have discovered a better train model that we have as reference.

During our lab classes we are still learning the three.js framework however there might be a possibility of us using the babylon.js instead. We will decide further after learning more of both.


Island Model 1

Island Model 1

Island Model 2

Island Model 2

Island Model 3

Island Model 3

Train 1

First Train Model

Train Cargo

Train Cargo

Tree Model 1

Tree Model

Ocean Water

Ocean Water


18 May 2016

New updates this week includes a new train model including it’s train tracks, we have dropped the model of the water due to the difficulty and problems it would create when animating and instead used the framework to create the water instead. We have successfully coloured the models so we are able to start importing it into the scene. We have come to the conclusion of using the babylon framework because it seems that there are a number of reference sites and forums regarding problems.



IIS Ocean






26 May 2016

Updates for this last week was figuring out the hurdle of not being able to import the mesh onto webGL has been surpassed we are starting to slowly place each asset within the scene, however the problems of the meshes colouring arises instead. There were a lot of confusing explanation from the babylon tutorials at times that resulted in a loss of understanding and use of the code.

New models this week such as

Main Island

IIS Main Island

Island 6

IIS Island 6

Mining Island

IIS Mining Island

Rail Left

Rail Left

Rail Right

Rail Right


IIS Tree 1


2 June 2016

From our previous update our project has leaped through many obstacles however there are still a gradual increase of new problems due to the confusing programming on the webGL frameworks. We have already begun the animation after some trouble with the code and all we need to do is animate the train, boat and the people of IIS.

There were multiple revisions on alot of meshes including the islands.

IIS Archipelago 1.1

IIS Islands with boat and train

6 June 2016

The last and final update to our Interactive Island Simulator. There has been a huge change from the previous update which has included the new island placements and additional meshes of trains, rails + bridge, people and ships. There are more interactive animations from all these new imports to try out as well as an environmental animation.

Here are a few screenshots from our final project.

IIS Overview

IIS Overview

Island1 Final

Island1 Final Ver

Island7a Final

Island7a Final Ver

Island7b Final

Island7b Final Ver

Island 3 Final

Mining Island Final Ver

IIS Inhabitants 1

IIS Inhabitants 1

IIS Inhabitants 2

IIS Inhabitants 2

IIS Inhabitants 3

IIS Inhabitants 3


Cruise Liner


There were many difficulties that had to be overcome to create this project. The many hurdles included the our own assets where there was difficulty with origin points in the islands, when importing a .obj or .babylon file that had more than one shape to create the object there were problems such as not knowing which part is in which array of loadedMeshes[x].

Here was an example of one of our trees. I believe that the small particles gathering within an small area was the problem. The maximum number of trees that could be spawned together was 3 and adding more resulted in the error page above.

Tree Example

Tree Example

Matching the distance and angle that the train will travel was a very tedious and time consuming, what I believe to be one of the most impressive feats of animation I have to be honest. I would like to add more meshes and models however the have been many problems including the lag spikes that would occur or even errors that would arise when running. Whenever I worked on this specific final project my computer the temperature would rise from the heat it produces.

Error Page

Error Page by Chrome

This project has been a tiresome obstacle leaping journey where our some of our original plan was unable to be achieved to due errors we could not understand nor troubleshoot. One idea was that instead of our buttons we would click on the meshes however it never worked no matter how many times various methods we applied from research.

If we had to give credit to this project, the original models and their colouring can be credited to Jonathan Wibowo whereas the coding of the animations and the GUI would be credited to both Jeremy Jodi and myself. It does not however justify that we have not done work in each others job field.

Another unusual unsolvable problem is the errors that arise when loading object files, there does not seem to have any problems on the scene but it seems the problem comes from the additional framework that was supposed to assist in the insertion of .obj models.

Console Errors

Console Errors


Please take a look at our demo video at

Interactive Island Simulator – Computer Graphics Project


This documented web post is the proposal for the Computer Graphics project, “Interactive Island Simulator”, which includes the team member names and roles, project description and design sketches.

For the simulations environment we will be using WebGL with three.js as the framework for this project and for the modeling process a program called Blender.

For simulating the environment of the IIS we will be using JavaScript IDE WebStorm with WebGL and three.js as the JavaScript API and framework respectively.

This proposal is for the final project of COMP6205 Computer Graphics class B4AC taught by lecturer, Mr. Bagus Kerthyayana Manuaba, and assistant lecturer, Deni Barasena.


Team Members and Roles

  • Aaron Gregory Mihardja – 1801436373 – 3D Modelling and Animation
  • Jeremy Jodi – 1801443536 – 3D Modelling and Animation
  • Jonathan Wibowo  – 1801443593 – 3D Modelling and Animation

Project Description

The “Interactive Island Simulator” or IIS is a simulation of a small archipelago with a set of predefined islands. This archipelago simulator comprises of a main island with a major dock and other buildings and the several smaller islands that are unique such as a mining island. Railroads and boats are the mode of transportation within the archipelago for logistic purposes and only major ships will be allowed to port in the main island’s docks. Interactive trains, docks and even boats will be featured. Possible upcoming features may introduce and interactive road traffic, buildings and much more.


Programs / Environment

  • JavaScript IDE – Webstorm
  • JavaScript API – WebGL
  • Framework – three.js
  • 3D Modeling – Blender


Project Scope

The goal of this project is to create a broad simulation that encompasses a variety of activities since each island is distinct, therefore the focus will be more on the the quality than of the quantity. Each island must be given a special attention to its landscape and buildings so that the viewers can easily identify them.


Design Sketch

The final product will not look like the following design sketches as they were made with the standard assets of a game-making tool, Unity.

Island Design



Island Design 2


Online E-Commerce Website Manga ManGo! Information – Scripting Language

What Manga Mango! is:

Manga ManGo! is a business-to-consumer type of e-commerce online store that helps distribute and resell Japanese literature, manga, visual novels and Blu-ray discs in Indonesia. The reasons for creating this website is because of the lack of some of these products being sold in Indonesia due to being expensive and not as profitable a product to sell.

What makes Manga ManGo! different from other similar stores is that in addition to distributions, Manga ManGo! supports indie Japanese and Indonesian manga creators display their works online to receive attention and help start off their possible careers in this field. Members and creators are able to have their own community by sharing their interests with one another through a feature called following, this allows them to know what the person they have followed has bought or looked around at.

Currently the website only sells manga and light novel with English translations.


Pages in website:

Home Page

Product Page

About Us Page

Contact Us Page

Terms Page

Admin and Member Page

  • Admin User – admin
  • Admin Pass – admin

Login and Register Page



Manga Mango Home

Manga Mango Home


Manga Mango Products

Manga Mango Products


Manga Mango Cart

Manga Mango Cart


Manga Mango Terms

Manga Mango Terms

Video link:

Online E-Commerce Website Manga ManGo! Draft – Scripting Language

Manga Mango Logo

Manga ManGo! Logo


Manga ManGo! is a business-to-consumer type of e-commerce online store that helps distribute and resell Japanese literature, manga, visual novels and Blu-ray discs in Indonesia. The reasons for creating this website is because of the lack of some of these products being sold in Indonesia due to being expensive and not as profitable a product to sell.

What makes Manga ManGo! different from other similar stores is that in addition to distributions, Manga ManGo! supports indie Japanese and Indonesian manga creators display their works online to receive attention and help start off their possible careers in this field. Members and creators are able to have their own community by sharing their interests with one another through a feature called following, this allows them to know what the person they have followed has bought or looked around at.

There are specific features only allowed by members of the website. These are:

  • Wishlist / Watch-list – To bookmark products that the member is interested in
  • Following / Adding other users – To find the same interests
  • Comment, Review and Rate products

Creators have similar features to members with the inclusion of:

  • Submit product – To submit products to be checked by the administrator to then be accepted or declined for publish
  • Product tracking – Helps track their products with details (Comments, rating, etc.)

This is a design draft of the website’s home page and some details on it:

Draft design

The website will include the following interactions:

  • Title
  • Top navigation (Links and search box)
    • Home – Homepage link
    • Products – Drop down list with the different product categories link
    • Creators Hub – Link to a new webpage specifically for indie products
    • Deals! – Daily, weekly or monthly deals link
    • Search – Search with a combo box filter (Light novel, manga, etc.)
    • Cart – Shopping cart link
  • Side navigation (Link and search box)
    • Search – General search engine
    • Listing – All products, new products, products coming soon)
    • Genre, Price, Rating, Language, Author – Self explanatory navigation
    • Format – Hardcover, softcover, limited edition, collection, etc.
  • Header with the logo and name of the website that links to the homepage.
  • News – Updates on the website and products
  • Recommendations – Both from the licensed and the indie products

Other pages include:

  • Admin page
  • Creators page
  • Members page
  • Product pages
  • Filtered pages
  • Creators Hub
  • Shopping cart
  • Deals!
  • News

Aaron Gregory Mihardja 1801436373


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